Educa: PD in Finland

Saturday, January 27, 2018
I do not usually write my blog posts the same day I experienced the featured topic. I like to let things “sink in,” to give myself time to process the event. At this very moment, I find myself too eager to wait. I just returned from Educa, the largest event for the education and training sector in Finland. I must share what I witnessed.

Educa is very popular with teachers. It consists of Finland’s largest exhibition in education and high-quality lectures that are free of charge to visitors. That’s right—free! Educa is not only for teachers. Everyone in the community is invited, giving Finns of all ages and backgrounds knowledge of the trends in education and technology. The event embraces the Finnish education system’s belief in equity for all learners. Why wouldn’t you want teachers and non-teachers attending the same symposium? Doing so increases support for education initiatives and new resources that are transforming the way students learn.

Comic Creator
The exhibition center at Educa is extensive. I spoke with a variety of organizations—from EdTech startups to nonprofits. At each booth, I greeted staff with a friendly “hello” signaling I speak English. I think many were surprised to learn I am American. Educa is not traditionally an international affair. Everyone was eager to explain and demonstrate the products and services. Many of the groups I spoke with provided resources that I plan to use in my school. For instance, Sarjiskone is an easy-to-use online comic creator. This free program is in Finnish but so intuitive I still figured it out. There is also an online program developed by the Finnish Red Cross called, The Risk Zones. The application uses photos, videos, stories and graphics to show how people can minimize risks, prepare for and survive disasters. The app will be a great way to support students' investigation of real-world issues during project-based learning.

There were many other innovative technologies at Educa that would fit perfectly in my elementary school library. Especially, if cost was not a factor...
  • Magic Carpet projects images on the floor or wall and the whole picture area responds to the user's movements and gestures. Talk about interactive!
  • VEX Robotics offers a platform for learning about spanning science, technology, engineering and math. The 2018 VEX Robotics World Championship will be held in Louisville, Kentucky!
  • Lyfta combines storytelling with VR and AR technology. Lyfta's immersive storyworlds help teachers capture the hearts and minds of their students.
  • Ultimaker 3D printers allows users to turn any digital file into a three dimensional physical product. 3D printers are being used to create everything from simple plastic toys to automobile bodies and prosthetic limbs.
My swag from Educa!
I definitely noticed a theme from the products and services showcased at Educa. Learning should be active! Yes, there is a time when we need to focus by sitting at a desk. As I type this, I am sitting in my favorite café. But, we should make an effort to plan instruction where students move, discuss, and make choices. It can be scary giving away control. I understand that. Through modeling, review, and reiteration, active learning will be as natural for students as it is to sit at a desk. Come to think of it, sitting down for long periods does not seem natural at all.
I left Educa with more than a bag full of free swag. I know more about what is happening in education and where the field of teaching and technology is headed. You do not have to speak Finnish to understand the enthusiasm and innovation occurring in Finland. It is something you cannot quite put into words.

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